Saturday, March 19, 2011

# 5 (Week of 3/7/11)

This week in practice was very hard because we had a lot of stuff to improve on and perfect. With Festival around the corner i took my instrument home and practiced 2-3 times. I played through all the song, and focused on the dynamics and put in "humph" in the music. Just like Mr. Birch said to our band. Also I made sure that in the March i play out because i was 2nd part, and i had a lot of counter melodic all parts in it. In the March i practiced the endings a couple of times, just to make sure i end with the band on the correct beat. I counted the rhythms in it so I knew what to do. In Chant Rituals i played the slower parts and tried to stay on beat with the help of my metronome. As Mr. Birch said our dynamics were important in Chant Rituals because it was a intense yet calm piece at times. I counted the beats when we had to sing, and i played the chromatic scale to add in the many accidentals in the piece. Lastly, in Prairie Songs I practice the decrease in notes part in the 2 stanza of the piece. This was very important to Mr. Shankles, so i made sure Sarah and I played out with the right articulation. Another thing on worked on is the slurs and the fast parts, i did this to stay with the band and make sure my teammates do not fall behind or rush. All in all i think our band is ready for Festival this Saturday, the clinicians really did help us!

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